Astagfirullah…! 3 Tanda-tanda Kiamat Ini Sudah Muncul di Mekkah

Astagfirullah…! 3 Tanda-tanda Kiamat Ini Sudah Muncul di Mekkah
Astagfirullah…! 3 Tanda-tanda Kiamat Ini Sudah Muncul di Mekkah

Tanda-tanda kiamat, seperti yang disabdakan oleh Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wasallam kini sudah muncul di Mekkah. Kiamat memang merupakan hal ghaib, Tidak akan pernah ada yang tahu kapan kiamat akan terjadi kecuali hanya Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. Namun, Utusan-utusan Allah seperti para Rasul dan Nabi telah diberi kisi-kisi oleh Allah mengenai tanda-tanda yang akan terjadi sebelum kiamat tiba.
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Hal ini dilakukan bukan bertujuan untuk menakut-nakuti manusia, Namun lebih dari itu adalah agar manusia sadar bahwa dunia bukanlah tempat tinggal yang abadi, semua yang ada di dunia ini akan hancur dan musnah jika hari kiamat itu tiba.
Selain itu, Jika seorang muslim percaya akan terjadinya kiamat, maka dia akan lebih berhati-hati dalam menjalani kehidupan di dunia ini, Selalu berbuat baik dan benar, Selalu beramal sholeh dan meningkatkan ketakwaannya pada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.
Setidaknya ada 3 tanda-tanda kiamat yang pernah disabdakan oleh Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wasallam, dan sekarang tanda-tanda itu sudah muncul di Makkah. Apa saja tanda tersebut? di bawah ini adalah ulasannya.

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1. Orang-orang Arab Berlomba-lomba Meninggikan Bangunan di Mekkah
Kiamat adalah ketetapan Allah dan itu pasti akan terjadi. Namun, tak ada satu orang pun yang mengetahui kapan kiamat itu akan terjadi termasuk malaikat jibril sekalipun.
Namun, Nabi Muhammad -Shallallahu alaihi wa salam- telah memberikan banyak gambaran tentang tanda tanda mendekati terjadinya kiamat. salah satunya adalah. orang-orang Arab saling berlomba-lomba dalam membangun bangunan yang tinggi.
Dalam sebuah hadits shahih disebutkan,
وَلَكِنْ سَأُحَدِّثُكَ عَنْ أَشْـرَاطِهَا… (فَذَكَرَ مِنْهَا:) وَإِذَا تَطَاوَلَ رِعَاءُ الْبَهْمِ فِي الْبُنْيَانِ فَذَاكَ مِنْ أَشْرَاطِهَا
“Akan tetapi aku akan menyebutkan kepadamu tanda-tandanya… (lalu beliau menyebutkan, di antaranya:) jika para penggembala kambing berlomba-lomba meninggikan bangunan, maka itulah di antara tanda-tandanya.” (HR. Bukhari-Muslim)

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Sementara dalam riwayat Muslim diungkapkan:
وَأَنْ تَرَى الْحُفَاةَ الْعُرَاةَ الْعَالَةَ رِعَاءَ الشَّاءِ يَتَطَاوَلُونَ فِي الْبُنْيَانِ
“Dan engkau menyaksikan orang yang tidak memakai sandal, telanjang lagi miskin yang menggembala domba, berlomba-lomba membuat bangunan yang tinggi.”
Dan dijelaskan dalam riwayat Imam Ahmad dari Ibnu ‘Abbas -Radiallahuanhuma- , beliau berkata:
يَا رَسُـولَ اللهِ، وَمَنْ أَصْحَابُ الشَّاءِ وَالْحُفَاةُ الْجِيَـاعُ الْعَالَةُ قَالَ: اَلْعَرَبُ
“Wahai Rasulullah, dan siapakah para penggembala, orang yang tidak memakai sandal, yang lapar dan yang miskin itu?” Beliau menjawab, “Orang Arab.” (Musnad Ahmad IV/332-334, no. 2926)
Foto dibawah ini kiranya sudah cukup untuk membuktikan kebenaran hadits Rasulullah diatas.
2. Gunung-Gunung di Mekkah Mulai Berlubang
Salah satu tanda-tanda kiamat, yaitu jika gunung-gunung di Kota Mekkah sudah banyak yang berlubang. Hal ini tentu tidak akan masuk akal jika dipahami pada masa kehidupan Nabi bersama sahabatnya. Namun ternyata hal itu sudah terjadi sekarang ini.

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Gunung-gunung di Kota Mekkah sekarang sudah banyak yang berlubang dalam bentuk terowongan. Sejak pembangunan besar-besaran oleh dinasti Saud, Mekkah dijuluki dengan Kota Terowongan karena memiliki ratusan terowongan. Di tahun 2011 saja, Makkah sudah membuat 55 terowongan melalui pegunungan dan sejumlah ruas jalan.
Ibnu Syaibah meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya kepada Ya’la ibn Atha’ dari ayahnya, dia berkata: pada suatu hari, aku menuntun tali kekang unta Abdullah ibn Amr, lalu beliau berkata: “Bagaimana pendapat kalian, jika kalian hancurkan Ka’bah dan tidak menyisakan batu yang masih menumpuk? Mereka menjawab: oleh kita yang beragama Islam?
Beliau menjawab: benar, kalian yang beragama Islam. Seseorang bertanya: lalu apa lagi? Beliau menjawab: kemudian ia akan dibangun dengan yang lebih bagus darinya. Apabila kalian telah melihat gunung-gunung di Makkah mulai berlubang, dan bangunan-bangunannya menjulang tinggi melebihi pegunungannya, maka ketahuilah bahwa kiamat telah dekat.
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3. Bayangan Ka’bah Tidak Lagi Tampak
Suatu ketika, Nabi Muhammad Shallallahu alaihi wasallam pernah menjelaskan pada sahabatnya, Bahwa kiamat akan terjadi jika As-Sa’ah telah membentangkan bayangannya sehingga bayangan Ka’bah tidak akan tampak. As-Sa’ah sendiri merupakan salah satu kata kiasan untuk kiamat.
Sementara itu, dalam bahasa arab, As-Sa’ah juga diartikan sebagai jam. Karena itu bisa saja kiamat akan terjadi jika bayang menara jam telah menutupi Ka’bah sehingga bayang ka’bah tak lagi tampak.
Dan faktanya, sekarang bayang-bayang menara jam dari Hotel Royal Clock Tower Mekkah memang sudah menutupi ka’bah.

Hal ini dikuatkan dengan pendapat Imam Ash Shan’ani rahimahullah, Beliau pernah berkata: “Nanti akan datang suatu zaman dimana Jabal Abi Qubais akan dibelah dan dibuat bangunan, Kemudian di dekatnya terdapat sebuah bangunan yang tingginya melebihi menara Masjidil Haram, di saat itulah akhir zaman sudah dekat, Wallahu A’lam”
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Maaf, tentunya sangat tidak etis untuk mengutuk Pemerintah Kerajaan Arab Saudi yang mengizinkan pembangunan apartemen dan hotel-hotel mewah tepat di depan Masjidil Haram itu, apalagi tingginya sampai mengungguli menara Masjidil Haram.
Husnuddzan saja, mungkin mereka tengah merencanakan sesuatu yang lebih bermanfaat. Misalnya saja untuk mengantisipasi jamaah Haji yang jumlahnya banyak hingga jutaan yang datang ke Masjidil Haram baik untuk untuk Haji maupun Umrah. Wallahu A’lam.


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Budget should bring on par tax treatment of pension products of life insurance with similar products on other platforms

This budget is also unique owing to the fact that it is set in the backdrop of hugely significant domestic and international events.

Demonetisation is a landmark reform which in the long-term will transform the financial sector, and in the medium term will significantly boost financial savings, reduce inefficient cash in the system, and encourage efficient ways of financial transactions.

Secondly, it is likely that interest rates may be close to their bottom, as RBI held on to the rates in the last monetary policy review against market expectations of a cut, suggesting that the rates may gradually start inching up.

On the global front, election of Donald Trump is a major event, and India will be keenly observing the economic policies of his government, especially in areas like immigration, increase in government spending, thrust on infrastructure spending, coupled with expected reduction in taxes, and the resultant effect on fiscal deficit, etc. which are likely to have effects on the Indian economy and currency.

Given this backdrop, this budget will necessarily have to focus on the key themes of growth, consumption, efficiency through cost reduction, and improving tax to GDP ratio through better tax administration and tax compliance. Firstly, a renewed focus is expected to be placed on agricultural sector with a view to reviving agricultural growth and improving farm incomes.

The Prime Minister has recently spoken about the objective of doubling farmers’ income by 2022. Steps would have to be taken to ensure adequate flow of credit to the sector, strengthening procurement at support prices, irrigation technologies, creation of a national e-market for farm produce, apart from ensuring fair prices for the producer and other initiatives such as the crop insurance scheme launched in the last budget, which is expected to cover more than 50 percent of the farmers within the next couple of years.

In keeping with the vision of the government to achieve “minimum government and maximum governance”, we can expect steps to review the manpower and administrative costs of government departments, define qualification criteria for government servants in order to ensure better execution, reduce bureaucracy and improve ease of doing business, rationalize social welfare schemes and further emphasis on direct benefit transfer (DBT) program for distribution of subsidies.

The persistence of poverty and significant leakages in welfare schemes that aim to alleviate it has prompted to move towards a “universal basic income”. UBI may be evaluated in India for targeted delivery of subsidy on an Aadhar-based platform with a direct transfer model.

Effect of demonetisation on tax collections is expected to be positive in the short term due to scrutiny of cash deposits, and in the long term due to better tax compliance. Short term effects like decline in consumption spending can be offset by making more surplus available in the hands of individuals and corporates, by reducing tax rates and increasing tax exemption slabs. While steps have already been initiated to encourage a digital ecosystem (cashless or “less cash” transactions), the journey can be accelerated with further steps for prevention of creation of new black money and discouraging cash transactions say by imposing taxes.

Life Insurance industry

Life insurance industry plays a significant role in nation building. It is the most important channel of long-term savings of households. It is the second most preferred investment avenue of households next only to bank deposits – approximately 19 percent of net incremental household financial savings for FY16 went into life insurance funds. The industry is a significant contributor to infrastructure investments (more than Rs 3 lakh crore in FY16), which is growing each year. Insurance companies hold a significant part of government debt – as per public debt management report of the ministry of finance, insurance companies held 22.2 percent of outstanding government of India securities as of March 2016.

Some definite steps are required to be taken for development and growth of this industry, to make it more efficient, and to create parity with other similar products.

Presently insurance companies are required to invest at least 50 percent of the life fund in government securities, which is a considerably high threshold compared to SLR requirement of 20.75 percent for banks. The restriction should be relaxed with a view to improving fund performance and efficiency.

A separate limit of Rs 50,000 for tax deduction should be provided for life insurance premiums apart from the limit under Section 80C. This would incentivise households to channelise more long-term savings.

The condition that sum assured has to be at least ten times of annual premium in order for the proceeds to be exempt under Section 10(10D), needs to be done away with; the decision must be left to customers rather than enforcing high cover. Besides, Section 80D limit should be enhanced to Rs 50,000 to encourage medical insurance cover.

Tax treatment of pension products of life insurance companies should be at par with similar products offered on other platforms. Tax treatment should be based on nature and objective of the product rather than the platform, which will ensure a level playing field. Premium paid upto Rs 50,000 for a pension policy from a life insurance company should be treated at par with NPS by providing for an additional deduction under Section 80CCD(1B) and further additional deduction under Section 80CCC to the extent of 10 percent of salary.

Annuity received out of maturity of pension fund under the pension or annuity policy should be exempt from tax under Section 10(10A). Annuity purchased after maturity of pension policies of life insurance companies should be exempt from service tax.

Life insurance pension policy should be treated as a capital asset and only the gain should be taxed on maturity or surrender and not the entire amount received.

On a final note, the budget is expected to be reformist and development-oriented, and will focus on the achieving sustainable growth, encouraging long-term investments and creating an efficient digital ecosystem.

10 Easy Steps to Succeed in Your Online Classes

Congratulations Youve made up our minds to pursue your upper schooling, and doing so online is how to pass if you have an interest in a versatile, studentcentered educating manner. Studying online permits you to pursue different pursuits and attend to different responsibilities whilst nonetheless operating your method towards some extent. However, it will now and again imply that its clean to get distracted. Here are 10 clean steps to verify luck on your online categories.

  1. Connect together with your instructors once conceivable. Even in case you are doing smartly within the category, its extraordinarily vital to increase a rapport together with your trainer. When you do that early on, you temporarily understand what the priorities are within the route, what expectancies the professor has of you and youre going to be motivated to prevail, surer of whats forward and higher ready to do smartly with the impending subject material.

Valuable questions to invite your trainer come with the next

How versatile are you with time limits How versatile are you with grownup freshmen What applied sciences do you employ within the route How to be had are you through e mail and different sorts of verbal exchange How do you put up an internet neighborhood and what are the expectancies for participation in it In addition, since instructors are to be had to lend a hand all over the classes, its all the time just right to have had private touch with the trainer early on. This method, when you wish to have lend a hand, its more straightforward to achieve out and get the help you wish to have.

  1. Confirm the technical necessities of the route. Online categories can also be very advisable for college kids with busy schedules, however provided that they are able to simply get right of entry to the fabrics. It is vital to obviously perceive what the technical necessities are. So, ahead of the route begins or as quickly thereafter as conceivable, youll want to test that your pc will paintings with the entire online equipment, and that you understand how to navigate them. This will be sure that you dont must spend time all the way through the route attempting to determine the generation.

three. Create a time table and stick with it. Quality online instructors create classes which might be clean to navigate and feature transparent expectancies. Having that roughly easytodealwith framework in position will make learning and succeeding that a lot more straightforward. However, although the framework and necessities of your category arent as transparent, youll create a time table and construction, which is able to very much fortify your probabilities of luck within the route. Using equipment equivalent to Google Calendar is a good way to start out. Knowing how your weeks and months glance and scheduling blocks of analysis time for each and every activity or module will will let you stick with a time table.

four. Ask questionsall the time. When you dont perceive, ask questions. When you do perceive, ask additional questions. Instructors recognize scholars who take part, and if theres a participation or dialogue part a part of the grade, then asking high quality questions is helping guarantee your grade on this space. Even if there isnt a participation part, its all the time helpful to invite inquiries to remember to perceive the fabric and are transparent on what is needed of you.

five. Be arrangedand keep arranged. Students whore taking conventional, campusbased classes most often have a constant time table to observe each and every week, through which study room instruction is adopted through assignments out of doors the category. However, for online classes, scholars will have to search out their very own techniques to stick on most sensible in their paintings. It is crucial that you just be arranged from the start of the semester with the intention to achieve success in an internet route. For instance mark task due dates on your calendar, discover a submitting machine for each online subject material and bodily subject material that is helping you stay monitor of the whole lot simply, and shed light on find out about schedules that duvet sections of the route one by one so youve got an arranged tactic to protecting the semesters subject material as you pass alongside.

  1. Have a blank, quiet, and constant workspace. One factor online and inclass classes have in not unusual is that scholars all the time want a spot to review or whole assignments this is blank, quiet, and constant. You can select the place that is for youwhether or not its at a espresso store, a college library, a devoted place of business, or at house. Wherever you select to review and whole assignments, you must make it a constant location that doesnt have out of doors distractions. It is basically key that where is quiet and lets you focal point in your paintings with out distractions.
  2. Do no longer procrastinate. Successful distance freshmen hardly procrastinate. They dont do away with assignments or wait till the final second to write down their papers. Successful online scholars experience freedoms that come with operating at their very own tempo and the facility to finish their paintings in as a lot time because it takes them. On the opposite hand, they know that finishing their assignments is best performed early and on time cramming merely doesnt paintings, and it doesnt will let you retain knowledge longterm. Get began early on getting a success.

eight. Work in your studying comprehension. Successful distance freshmen generally tend to have just right studying comprehension abilities. Most conventional, campusbased scholars concentrate to lectures and take notes, and a few online classes additionally require this. However, the vast majority of distance freshmen are anticipated to grasp subject material thru a large amount of studying. Although far finding out classes be offering video recordings and audio clips, maximum systems require scholars to hide and grasp a considerable amount of written knowledge. If it is a problem for you, it could be very useful to first sign up in a studying comprehension route there are lots of assets online that will help you do that. This ability by myself could make a huge distinction on your luck.

nine. Establish and admire routines that be just right for you. If, for instance, youre employed best within the morning or in brief bursts, then set find out about routines that can help you find out about within the prelunch hours when your mind is contemporary. If, then again, you do best through learning at evening or at the weekends when youll devote nightowl hours or longer blocks in your learning, then make it some degree to take action. Consider how and whilst you paintings best, and enforce a find out about plan that respects the routines that be just right for you.

  1. Connect together with your friends. Establishing sturdy connections with friends and professors is a very powerful facet of tutorial luck, in addition to skilled development. One of essentially the most rewarding reports in schooling is finding out thru collaboration. Forming significant relationships together with your friends and professors can can help you be told extra, keep motivated, and feature an outlet to specific your personal working out of subject material. So, keep attached thru message forums, chat rooms, e mail, and different digital assets. And take note lots of the other people you meet in faculty shall be conceivable process assets down the road so determine connections and keep in contact

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